Links, Including a Haunting Post from Farewell Prozac

I’ve been really impressed with the quality of the writing on Farewell Prozac — check out this post that begins with a nuanced description of the weather, and segues into the malaise that the weather represents. It’s a great piece of Romantic writing, not in the sense of writing about love, but in the literary sense of using the landscape as an outward reflection of inward thought and emotion. And, of course, I find it fascinating because I just went on Prozac after an abortive fling with Pristiq. Farewell Prozac demonstrates that it takes tremendous courage — perhaps to the level of foolhardiness — to go off of psych meds.

When you’re in pain, even a quick laugh and very temporary relief can help. Along those lines, I offer Cute Overload. You’ve probably already seen it — it’s one of the most popular blogs extant, after all — but if you haven’t, check it out sometimes. There’s a mix of cute and uncanny that will both warm your heart and give you a sense of vague disquiet. In case you needed more of the latter.

I really like this post on The Simple Dollar on setting short-term goals. It should be clear by now that I’m a huge believer in having goals, and goals that are concrete, short-term, and realistic, given your situation. For instance, if you’re unemployed or on disability, it wouldn’t be wise to set yourself up for failure by shooting to land a job in a month — or even six months. However, you can decide to dust off your resume, volunteer for a couple of days each week, or take initial steps to learn a new skill. Or maybe you should be even more moderate and just aim to walk for 20 minutes a day. (That’s the first goal I set after my last serious depression, and I’m convinced it did me more good than any number of resolutions to find a permanent, full-time job.)

Another blog I’m liking: Prozac Monologues. Perhaps it’s because the author is an Episcopal priest; perhaps it’s because she’s so open and political about her major depression; perhaps it’s simply her open love of her partner and friends. Whatever it is, I find her strength inspiring.

More later, my dears. I’ve been hunched over this laptop for too long now.

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